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Emily Wyatt
Emily was introduced to Barbershop in May 2004 when she went to support Lace City at their dress rehearsal before their Regional Contest in Glasgow - she was hooked from the first chord! After joining the Chorus she was thrown in at the deep end and her first competition with the Lace City was International in Detroit October 2005. Emily won 2 Regional Gold medals with the chorus. After a break, she rejoined the Chorus in 2014 and is now back on the front row and on the management team - it's as though she's never been away!
Emily's barbershop experience doesn't stop at Lace City, having been a founder member of the IVY League youth chorus and Sweet Adelines Young Women In Harmony chorus. She has sung in the quartets Topaz, Breakthrough, The Entire Population of China and currently with medal winning quartet Royal Effect alongside Ellie Blackeby and Teresa McDonnell from Lace City, and Kim Potter from Milltown Sounds.
Emily lives with her husband Richard in their lovely home in Nottingham.