Angela co-ordinates MT meetings, maintains records, distributes the weekly Management and Music Team bulletin and leads on the chorus AGM.
Angela says: I joined Lace City in March 2022, having previously sung with a different barbershop chorus for 12 years. I am a proud member of the bass section (basses rock!) and I am thoroughly enjoying being part of such an amazing, encouraging and supportive chorus. I recently competed with Lace City in my first Region 31 Sweet Adelines International competition, and we did it….we won!!!! I am so excited and proud to be part of this success…Lace City Chorus - the 2023 UK barbershop a cappella champions!
Away from Lace City, I run my own business teaching piano, keyboard and music theory and I also teach singing to children at my local Stagecoach Performing Arts School. I live with my partner and step-daughter and in my spare time I enjoy walking (often with my dog), yoga, singing of course, and spending time with my family.