Lace City Chorus launched another of its popular singing courses on Nov 2nd. Over 75 women from all over Nottinghamshire attended the first of 6 rehearsals. The course will run for 6 weeks. Participants will be included in the chorus Christmas shows, which will be held at Nottingham Trent University On Dec 12th.
In 2015 Nottinghamshire County Council provided LCC with a grant of £2,450 to enable women from all over the county, and of average singing ability, the opportunity to rehearse and perform with a world class a cappella singing chorus. Over 140 women and girls have learnt and rehearsed new songs which they then performed at a number of concerts in venues around the county.
The grant enabled us to share the wonderful benefits of singing with many other women, and through their live performances with the wider community, particularly in the north of the county where, normally, we find it difficult to resource activity.
Women who participated developed new skills, gained confidence and improved their singing ability. Research has shown that community singing contributes greatly to social cohesion and the health and well being of those who participate.
Participants have said...
“Lace City has simply changed my life. My confidence is much, much better now”.
“Singing makes me smile and has helped me cope with my husband’s illness over the last 5 years”
“I have had the opportunity to do things with Lace City that I just wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise”
The Nottinghamshire County Council funded programme was, for some participants, a one-off experience and for others the beginning of a new passion.
Many thanks to the Nottinghamshire County Council!