Angela co-ordinates MT meetings, maintains records, distributes the weekly Management and Music Team bulletin and leads on the chorus...

Angela co-ordinates MT meetings, maintains records, distributes the weekly Management and Music Team bulletin and leads on the chorus...
moreMichelle has been a member of the chorus for more than 20 years. Her current roles include being baritone section leader, music team...
moreHelen has been a member of Lace City Chorus since she was 14 years old, having started singing at school aged 11. She is now baritone...
moreLiz leads on chorus finances, reports income and expenditure to the Management Team and liaises with the chorus accountant.
moreMarisa has taken on the role of Secretary to the Management Team and is also a member of the Social, Community Singing and Presentation...
I joined Lace City Chorus very soon after it was formed in 1992 and am a member of the Lead Section. I am currently on the...
moreHeather leads on Membership, co-ordinating the membership team, monitoring member attendance and liaising with incoming and outgoing...
moreAly is a founder member of Lace City, and has competed in every competition involving the chorus, both in the UK and overseas, since the...
moreI have been with the Chorus for about 2 years now. I joined a Christmas singing course "learn to sing in 6 weeks for Christmas" having...